The vows have been read. The guests have been fed. There’s nothing left to do! (Thank God!) And at the end of it all, why does the bride feel so blue??

Research suggests that a certain level of attachment has been made to the idea and overall fun aspect of the wedding. There seems to be some psychological detachment process that needs to happen for some brides. The glitz, the glam, the hype, etc. is all over! What will you do afterwards?! Well, in this day and age, there are so many modern things you can do.
Here are some things to keep you busy after the wedding:
- Preserve the cake:
Yes, if this is something that is important to you, do not just stick it in the freezer. This is a Southern tradition at best. But there are ways to make sure the freezer burnt taste doesn't set in. If you do not do this right, it will get freezer burnt, and will taste terrible. What they do not tell you is: You'll need to wrap the sucker in plastic wrap. Three times. Then take that aluminum foil out and wrap it over the wrapped cake. After that, use Tupperware to make sure it does not get smashed. Enjoy in a year with your new beau like the Southern bell you are, sister.
- Thank you letters:
You might as well get these out of the way, right? There are probably so many people you can think of that have helped of gifted something to you in many different ways for your wedding. Make a list of those people and start on those first to personalize them the best you can!
- Writing reviews:
You might not realize that a lot of your wedding vendors rely on good, honest reviews. It’s an amazing yet competitive business, as I’m sure you have realized. If you have experienced a great vendor, a google review, The Knot review, or WeddingWire review would be the best “thank you” that they could receive! As a wedding planner, it helps us connect with more brides and grooms, and ranks us higher on each page :)
- Post Pictures:
Ask all of your friends and families to send you the goods. Your pretty photos, that is! This is the time to visit hashtags, update Facebook statuses, write thank you posts, or update your personal blogs, and social medias.
- Pass it on:
Sell your wedding items on local Facebook groups like San Antonio Brides. (I'm an admin of the group!) You are helping someone save money and be happy on their special day, so it's kind of like giving back while also making some cash. Score!
- Scrap-booking:
You've received the wedding photos and you can do anything with them these days! This is not your dad's VHS or even CD! USB's allow us to pop it in the USB part of a TV to view photos and videos! If scrap-booking is your thing, duplicate the photos anywhere for editing and printing your own scrapbook. Make sure to have a page dedicated to that awesome #hashtag.
- Save the heirlooms:
Are you the type to store your wedding dress forever for you or for your daughter one day? Davids Bridal has a kit to help preserve the condition of your wedding dress since they tend to turn yellow over time(EEK!). Heads up, it's a little pricey!!
- Insure your wedding ring and or wedding jewelry:
After all that is said and done, once you get those professional photos or videos back, you will get to relive the day over and over again. How awesome. And your photos are now family heirlooms themselves, aren't they? Take time to upload them to a cloud device, save them on flash drives, computers, and just about anywhere. You can never have too many back ups of your wedding day albums.
- Update your wedding website:
If you want to keep it as a keepsake, update that you got married and upload pictures for your guests to see. If you bought the domain, you'll have it forever. That's pretty cool.
Happy Wedded Bliss Forever,

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